Thursday, January 7, 2010


Goals give you something to focus on, something to look forward to. They can be general areas of improvement in your day-to-day life, or they can be specific, measurable milestones you intend to accomplish. But goals can be a tricky thing. Make them too far out of reach and you're only setting yourself up for failure. Make them too easy and there's little sense of accomplishment in achieving them.

The key is to set reasonable goals that can be achieved with a feasible amount of effort. A feasible amount of effort can still mean lots and lots of work. However, it should be something that you can physically achieve.

Finally, it's important to keep in mind that goals are a moving target. There's no reason to beat yourself up over falling a little bit short. Remember, goals are tools to promote positive change in your life. Feel free to adjust them as your life demands.

Most of my current goals are fairly general. You won't find any dates to do something by or a defined number of pounds to lose. I'm focused on making some lifestyle changes that don't really need a finite time frame.

Make better food choices.
Eat at home more often.
Eliminate empty calories.
Eat less processed foods.
Eat more natural foods.
Take my lunch to work.
Maintain a food log.

Move more in my free time.
Spend less time in front of the tv/computer.
Complete P90, followed by P90X.
Start mountain biking again.
Start kayaking again.
Go on a backpacking trip.
Get into 10K shape.
Start trail running.

Finish things I start.
Maintain this blog.
Finish projects around the house.
Pursue my LEED AP Credentialing.
Pick up after myself around the house.

So those are my current goals. As time goes by I'll post on my progress.

Thanks for stopping by.

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